The Printer Showcase, Inc. BBB Business Review
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The Printer Showcase, Inc., Computers  Supplies & Parts, Marietta, GA

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DPI  Acronym for Dots Per (square) Inch or addressable Dots Per Inch
Drum Usually refers to an optical photo conductor (see OPC)
Duplex To print on both sides
(auto-duplex is to automatically print on both sides)
Refers to color laser print engines that require four imaging passes in order to produce a single color page (usually equates to slow and noisy color printing)
Fuser Usually refers to printer’s fusing unit
GDI Acronym for Graphic Device Interface which is another term for host-based Language (commonly found in the least expensive printers)
Ink-jet Non-impact dot matrix printing technology using liquid ink droplets
IPM Acronym for Images per Minute (usually refers to scanning speeds)
Laser Non-impact page printing engine type using electro-static toner and xerographic technology with optics and a laser light source
LED Non-impact page printing engine type using electro-static toner and xerographic technology with LED (Light Emitting Diode) light source
OPC Acronym for Optical Photo Conductor (also referred to as a drum, imaging unit, or print cartridge)
PCL Acronym for Printer Control Language (indicates compatibility with specific HP printers as in PCL4, PCL5, PCL5c, and PCL6)
Postscript The printer control language, owned by Adobe, that is the industry standard for most types of printing and publishing (usually found in higher end printers)
PPI Acronym for Pixels Per Inch (usually refers to scanner or monitor resolution)
PPM Acronym for Pages Per Minute (usually refers to laser or led print speeds)
Single-pass Refers to color laser print engines that requires just one imaging pass in order to produce a single color page (usually equates to faster color printing)
SOHO Acronym for Small Office Home Office
Solid ink Non-impact dot matrix printing technology using molten wax-ink droplets (currently used on select Xerox models)
Toner Main imaging supply used by xerographic copiers and printers. Electro-statically charged particles fused to paper to create an image


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